Written by Samir Hayek

If you are looking for something to lift you up during these difficult times, I advise you to keep reading. Join us in a world of great opportunities in the professional field. After several months of reflection, hard-work, and determination, I proudly introduce to you our new platform that gives an uplifting aspiration for the future; welcome to JobRooter. You may be wondering: What is this platform? Who established it? What does it aim to do? Well, let us break it down in simple words. If you ask Lebanese talents what type of work they would like to perform nowadays, their answer would be one: freelancing with international companies. Ever since Covid-19 took over the world, people have been looking to remotely invest their skills in any job or task from outsourcing companies all around the world. Luckily, a skilled and well-educated group of Lebanese professionals came up with an idea that can help freelancers and employers all over the world to adapt to the current work situation through an online portal. And this is how the idea behind JobRooter came to life.

Introducing a world of
digital opportunities

JobRooter is a new digital platform which provides all sorts of freelancing job offers. It links business personas with freelancers all over the world. It helps you save more money and time by providing a list of great-quality talents. This platform has exactly what you need, whether you are a young adult seeking a job, a recruiter looking for a freelancer or a business person looking for help. JobRooter basically covers all fields, from creative arts, to web development, administrative assistance, copywriting and manymore. We aim to include the best talents on our platform, giving them the opportunity to shine in their domain and employ their skills in local, as well as international out sourcing companies. Our main vision is to bring the Lebanese community together and give talents an opportunity to showcase their competencies, and therefore boost their careers.

This step brings us closer to solving unemployment issues, and hopefully soon, the economic crisis. And let me say, we are on the right track.

For example, Asian countries such as China, the Philippines and India have become preferred destinations for freelance work. As for out sourcing software development services, Lebanon is the new go-to destination. Many might ask, why would an international company give an opportunity to a Lebanese talent? What are the advantages of doing so?

From Lebanon to the
The Top Advantages of
Outsourcing to

Outsourcing has become a common and beneficial alternative for companies all over the world in recent decades. It enables companies tocomplete projects at a lower cost and with a higher return on investment. Whether you want to improve your work or expand your business, JobRooter can be the best form of help. Here are some reasons why you should definitely pick a Lebanese toperform jobs in any field.

First, we are known for our strong talents in literally any major. There is a large number of graduates and post graduates who easily get work opportunities because of their undoubtable skills and great ability to learn. Our universities are highly ranked in world-wide education, which is why we shine in all businesses.

Not only are Lebanese professionals talented, but we are also creative and innovative. As a result, we have the ideal formula for attracting companies from all over the world to outsource web creation, software development, and many other projects to Lebanon.

Another important advantage to outsourcing to Lebanon is the significant cost savings from the part of the outsourcing companies. This is because hiring someone from Lebanon costs much less than hiring anyone from developed countries. For example, costs may vary between 75 to 150 USD per hour for hiring a software developer in the United States, whereas in Lebanon it is not difficult to find a good developer for as low as 15USD per hour. Plus, as a freelancer, the individual works from home, which also saves the companies from paying for personnel costs, office rents, or IT infrastructure.

A unique and exceptional trait that we have is a well-educational background. A Lebanese can merge 3 languages in one sentence, and everyone would understand. Ergo, any project can be easily communicated with a Lebanese professional. For example, if a company wants to outsource a web development project to Lebanon but is not sure how the communication with the offshore software development team would go, they should be sure that this will not be an issue at all. Communicating with us will never be a problem, as almost every Lebanese is trilingual, fluent in Arabic, English, and French.

Let us move on to the massive productivity level and fast project delivery that we could provide. If any form of work is being done, we will not rest until every job requirement is completed with utmost professionalism. Not to mention that this productivity could increase if there is a significant time difference between the two countries. For example, businesses in the US or other western countries will benefit from round-the-clock operations by out sourcing to Lebanon, because of the time zone difference. So, when the employer is off from work in the United States, the work is being done by the freelancer in Lebanon. The ability to work around the clock will then increase efficiency and guarantee project completion on schedule, or even ahead of it.

Moreover, being committed and hard-working is what we are known for and here to reiterate. Delivering great quality work and meeting deadlines is an important priority to us. Our daily work schedule is almost 10 hours and we are always willing to put in extra time to increase our productivity. Weare renowned for delivering exceptionally high-quality services ,which made Lebanon rise to the top of the regional talent pool.

Moreover, being committed and hard-working is what we are known for and here to reiterate. Delivering great quality work and meeting deadlines is an important priority to us. Our daily work schedule is almost 10 hours and we are always willing to put in extra time to increase our productivity. Weare renowned for delivering exceptionally high-quality services ,which made Lebanon rise to the top of the regional talent pool.

Lastly, Lebanon is living in political and economic chaos. The policies of the Lebanese Government are suppressing the talents and the futures of all generations, which is why, now more than ever, we needa strong base that allows us to show our expertise and knowledge in every field, in order build a brighter future for ourselves. So, consider this a calling to all Lebanese expats. Your abundant presence and activity in foreign countries can only benefit our businesses while improving yours. We invite you to put your faith in our new initiative, and give our remarkable talents an opportunity to showcase their extremely impressive abilities and competence. Your help and support will not only boost Lebanese talents’ confidence, but also it will give them hope to follow a clear career path, leading up to a successful future.

By considering the previously mentioned advantages, it would be easy to see why Lebanon has become a global out sourcing center for companies, attracting them to provide us with many freelancing offers. It is all about hard-work, punctuality, and perseverance. Out sourcing to us provides companies with high-quality deliverables, given on time and at afar lower cost.

JobRooter is pushing hard towards becoming a pioneer in the field of outsourcing and providing talents with as many opportunities as they can to put them at the top of the professional field. If you share our thoughts, ambitions, and ideas, embark on this journey with us. Keep checking our latest news and job posts. Sooner than later, international companies will realize our value.
Do not miss out and become a ‘JobRooter’ today!